Saturday, September 10, 2005
A long hiatus. And constant change =)
Hey readers =) sorry for not updating in eOns.. life's moving at a hectic pace.. and even though i dont needa study at aLL, the so-called 'hands-on', 'independant' style of learning gives me an equally huge workload of stuff like sketching, making wooden models, doing A1-sized presentation boards etc etc etc.
Sure, passing is easy, but excellence is very, very hard. lOl.. trying my best.
To top it all off i've got a minor case of flu -_-
Last monday (5th Sept) was my dear's birthday! Celebrated it quietly with her, and did my best to make it a special one to remember.. think it came out preetty okay.. At least she liked it =)
She's coming back later today after a 3 day trip to Bangkok with family. Yay =))
jOhn thought at 11:54 PM