Tuesday, January 15, 2008
http://sophisticated-boutique.blogspot.comcLoNiNg issues aside, why is EVERY post-JC girl trying to run an online clothes shop?
jOhn thought at 11:54 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
... Iaru-re looked at her with a forlorn gaze that feigned aloofness, when in fact he didn't want his unfettered feelings to show. Emotion makes a man weak. Her enchanting smile, her sparkling eyes, the spring in her step, the way the many wisps of obsidian hair fell clumsily over her face..
knowing that never in a thousand blue moons could he have her heart.
But his heart did not weep, knowing that at least they could remain friends,
...that this love need not be one that controls and binds, but one that sets free.
Iaru-re. Hm. What nice prose.
"The answer lies with a patient eye for recent history, and a quarantine upon empty English."
jOhn thought at 12:34 PM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
I think I know why many architects have happy families.
When I spend your whole day designing buildings, what many architects truly desire is to come home to a warm home and a love wife/girlfriend/bolster.
Okay maybe not that last one.
jOhn thought at 11:48 AM